Friday, July 10, 2009

A word from Bucky…..

Seems like it’s to me for me to defend myself a little bit. First of all for those that don’t know me let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Bucky and I am a 1990 Ford Econoline van, camper top, am fm cassette TV, AC, Automatic transmission with a few miles (130,000+/-). But when I see my reflection in another car’s chrome bumper, I got to say I look pretty good.
I was bought by the Stames family last winter from a dealer in Vermont who said that I had previously been owned by two little old ladies who treated me very well, yah whatever, we’ll stick to that story. I spent the winter basically hibernating and when spring rolled around I just sat in the yard and soaked up the rays. Life was good.
I went on a few excursions with Tom’s soccer team to Burlington, rotten stinky kids but not too much work required on my part. I started to hear muttering about a ‘trip’ planned for the summertime but not too many details. In June there was more activity for me and I was taken to a mechanic to have a checkup. That’s so embarrassing when they pop open your hood and start poking around. The good news is that I got an oil change first one in a loooong time, oops I mean just another regularly scheduled maintenance that I always had with my previous owners (wink,wink).
The day for the trip was now upon us and I was ready for a journey perhaps we would go to Burlington or perhaps as far as St. Albans. My two tanks were filled and away we went, 100 miles no stops, Welcome to New York state, 200 miles no stops, welcome to Canada 300 miles no stops, ummm excuse me but can I get a little break. Does this fanily ever have to pee ?? We finally pulled into a gas station as both my tanks were dry and I was thirsty. I was shut off for a much needed break when Tom tried to restart me I said I don’t think so, I am tired but he hooked me up to a Canadian Dodge and they boosted some life back into me. The Stames family was puzzled as to why I wouldn’t start, well perhaps if they had driven me around a little they would have ‘ciphered out the fact that I don’t like to start when I am warmed up. Well with the extra boost from the Dodge, I was ready to go, surely we would be heading home soon…but noooo.. we kept heading west for another 200 miles. I was all set for a nice shady peaceful campground and a good night’s sleep…but nooo..they park me in the middle of a Walmart parking lot and shut me off. They immediately try to restart me, surprise surprise I didn’t start up, did they think a nice drive in the countryside would magically cure me ????
We all had a nice sleep and I roared to life in the morning, they filled up my tanks and away we went for another 250 miles when they decided it was best to take me to a garage and have me checked out ….good idea Einstein family !!
I was hooked up to more contraptions then you can imagine. The Ford certified mechanic determined that it was my starter that was bad and Tom agreed and said that what was he had diagnosed as well. The Ford master service mechanic was I am sure glad to have Tom’s input.
A new starter was installed and we rested for the night. Next day lo and behold away we go again… 700 miles !!! Where the heck are we going ? Day after day we drive and drive, stop and take pictures etc, etc. We finally get to Yellowstone and there I am faced with mountain passes that have me climbing to 9600 feet. Now this wouldn’t be so bad but I am lugging the entire Stames family, did I mention that they brought clothes, a tent, stove, pots, pans, cupboard, sleeping bags, a grill! …I am surprised there wasn’t a washer and dryer thrown in for good measure !!
I performed admirably considering what was being asked of me. It wasn’t until Yellowstone that I got a little steamed and finally Tom decided to pop the hood and at least check on my fluids, remember I was used to being spoiled by the two little old ladies who used to own me. We finally arrived in Wendover, NV after driving past the Bonneville Salt Flats home of the land speed record of 600 plus mph. I am sure I could have topped that but I wasn’t given the chance. I was parked in the hotel parking lot for the night. The next morning the Stames family came out to go but what wait a minute remember above I had said I was carting around the entire Stames family… well apparently I did not have the entire Stames family, two more appeared, where they came from I don’t know. Well they all pile in and say they want to go UP a hill to see the view. Ummm excuse me but does good old Bucky get a vote in the matter, apparently not. I even heard the new Stames lady said that I looked better in my pictures, well harrumphhh!
The next day we bid a fond adieu to the additional Stames clan and the original Vermont Stames clan and I headed to Great Basin National Park. I welcomed the relief from climbing mountain passes in Yellowstone and look forward to going down hill in a basin. Well we arrived there and the elevation at the visitor center was 5000 feet but there was a road to the summit that climbed to 10,000 feet. Excuuuse me, you want me to pull everyone up another 5000 feet !!! Again I was not consulted, and away we went. I made it to 7500 feet and the stopped. I had a little bit of a breakdown and was spewing antifreeze and was overheated. I was not going any farther uphill. Tom popped my hood and I spilled my guts alond with some antifreeze. We had a good heart to carburetor talk. I asked him how he would like it if someone was on his back always pushing him, making him do more and never asking for his opinion. He said he could not relate but it did indeed sound awful. He replaced the fluid that I had puked out and headed me downhill, off for a scenic drive across Utah.
A few days later and we are in Mesquite,NV and the evil family decides that since it is only 100 degrees there we should drive across the desert to Las Vegas where it is 108 degrees. Guess who has to do the transporting. So off we go across the desert and they decide now is the time to try the AC, which of course works fine but is more demanding of me. I give them the ultimatum, you want to go across the desert fine but no AC or maybe just a smattering, I reminded them that the desert is not where they wanted to be with me having m y hood up. I suggest they use the 260 air conditioning, that’s right 2 windows open at 60 miles an hour.
I got a well deserved break in Las Vegas, I just hung out in the parking lot for a few nights, Every night I had a different car next to me. Hey, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a great job Bucky. Thanks for taking such good care of my friends - please keep it up!
